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Immediately take Romania off your waiting list - Go here!

Do visit Romania in 2022 starting from its capital Bucharest where you can spend 1-2-3 days during which you see the Palace of the Parliament - the world's second largest administrative building with more than 3,000 rooms.

Then visit Old Town with Curtea Veche (The Old Princely Court) and Stavropoleos Church.

You can also take some photos of Arc de Triumf and Revolution Square or take a tour to the National Museum of Romanian History.


After that, you can go to Brasov which is 2.5 hours drive from Bucharest.

  • From Brasov you can take the Romania Dracula Castle tour (Bran Castle), visit Peleș Castle or Cantacuzino Castle.

  • In less than 30 minutes you reach Prejmer Fortified Church and Râșnov Fortress.

  • If you like skiing or snowboarding you can stay at Poiana Brasov - a modern ski resort in just 20 minutes from Brasov.

  • If you travel to the north-east part of Romania you can visit Suceava with its fortress, beautiful Voroneț village, Manastirea Putna and other “Painted Monasteries”.


  • In case you decide to spend your holidays in Transylvania, start with Sighisoara (Medieval Pearl of Romania), then Viscri (an authentic village), Rupea Citadel and Fortified Church of Biertan.

  • When you travel to Romania you should definitely drive through Transfagarashan road - the most picturesque route in Romania including Lake Vidraru and Bâlea Lake. Note, the road is open only from June/July till October.

  • You can choose a tour to Sibiu - an ancient city in Transylvania which was Europe Capital of Culture in 2007. ASTRA Folk Museum and Brukenthal Palace in Avrig is worth visiting around the city.

  • One of your deepest travel emotions will be in Sarmizegetusa Regia - main military, religious and political center of independent pre-Roman Dacia, the residence of last Dacian king - Decebalus. Just 1 hour from it and you see the medieval beauty of Corvin Castle.

Cluj Napoca

We strongly recommend you to include in your Romania travel Cluj-Napoca (est. in 1213). It is an unofficial capital of the Transylvania region, the second largest city in Romania, university center with a vibrant nightlife and monuments from Hungarian and Saxon rule.

Take a tour to the mountain lakes Tarnița and Beliș-Fântânele. You can sunbathe, swim, fish and kayak there. After that go to Salina Turda - an amusement park made in a former salt mine 120 meters deep.

Iron Gates on Danube river

South-west of Romania is a tourism hidden gem where you can spend 1 week of your holidays.

The main attraction is Iron Gates Natural Park (Portile de Fier) - a stunning gorge on Danube river. You should take a boat trip from Orshova bay and see Tabula Traiana and Rock sculpture of Decebalus.

In addition, make a trip to Eibenthal (an authentic Czech village) and Severin Medieval Fortress or take a train from Timișoara to Baile Herculane - the oldest SPA resort in Romania, the first mention of which dates back to 153.

Other regions worth visiting

  • You can continue your 2022 trip to Munţii Rodnei National Park and enjoy views of Cascada Cailor waterfall, Iezer lake, Narcissus Valley in May, Bârsana with its wooden churches or take a steam train from Vişeu de Sus to Paltin.

  • In the west part of Romania there is Muntii Retezat National Park - one of the “must see” places to visit in Romania. Main spots are: Bucura glacial lake located at an altitude of 2040 m, Tăul Porții Lake, stunning Gura Apelor lake and Saua Lolaia Pass.

  • Another region worth your attention and spending 1 night is Cheile Bicazului – Hășmaș - Lacu Roșu area. It is a wild region with attractions like Hășmaș Mountains (rating 5.0), Vârful Ucigașul (The Killer peak, rating 5.0) and Lacu Rosu (Red Lake).

  • If you drive further west 2.5 hours, you get to Sovata - SPA resort in Carpathian mountains with thermal lake Ursu (Bear lake).

  • One more option to begin your Romania travel is Iasi - the second largest city in Romania, located in eastern part near Moldova. In 2018, Iași was officially named the Historical Capital of Romania. Visit Iași Palace of Culture, Moldova National Museum Complex or Anastasie Fătu Botanical Garden.

  • Then see the natural beauty of Bigar Cascade Falls, Cerna Lake and Nerei - Beușnița Ravine National Park.


It is open from June to October as the road’s highest point is above 2000 meters and there is tunnel which connects the north and south sides of the road.

You need at least 10 days to travel through historical cities (Sibiu, Sighișoara, Brasov), National Parks (Munții Retezat, Maramures mountains, Rodnei mountains), see Dracula castle, Iron gates on the Danube, etc.

They are the Danube delta, Iron Gates on the Danube river, remote areas deep in the Carpathian Mountains which can be best described as “in the middle of nowhere”.